Foundation Questions for the Project
Does the site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions fall within the National Park Service defined period of the Reconstruction Era of 1861-1900?
Is the site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions related to the Reconstruction Era and eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places?
Is the site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions directly related to the Reconstruction Era and educational, research, or interpretive in nature?
Historical Research or Historiography
This research concentrates on systematically recapturing “the complex nuances, the people, meanings, events, and even ideas of the past that have influenced and shaped the present". (Berg & Lure, 2012, p. 305 ) Historical research relies on a wide variety of sources, both primary & secondary including unpublished material.
Primary Sources:
Eyewitness accounts of events.
Oral or written testimony.
May be found in public records & legal documents, minutes of meetings, corporate records, recordings, letters, diaries, journals, drawings.
May be located in university archives, libraries or privately run collections such as local historical society.
Secondary Sources:
Can be oral or written.
Secondhand accounts of events.
Found in textbooks, encyclopedias, journal articles, newspapers, biographies and other media such as films or tape recordings.
Research Product(s) The following two products are required:
1. Research Document
a. Explorers will research a historical site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions
directly related to the Reconstruction Era to determine its historical significance to
their community.
b. Explorers will research to place the events surrounding the site, document(s) or artifact,
or oral traditions into a wider historical content.
c. This document will include an introduction of the research focus, a historical summary
with ties to the Reconstruction Era, and a summary of how the research meets the
criteria for inclusion in the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network. It should
also include supplemental materials or sources that would help to verify or support
the connection.
2. Retell the Story of the Research
a. Explorers will retell the story through visual arts or performing arts or graphic arts,
and/or video arts.
b. Explorers will make the product available to the Second Founding of America.
Reconstruction Era National Historic Network
Date of Application
Name used for the site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions in the official network materials?
Describe the site, document(s) or artifacts, or oral traditions.For example: Is it a historic site or building, an archive, or what type of educational or interpretive program currently exists?
Is the site or property listed or eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places as defined by the United States Department of Interior?For more information visit the NRHP website.
Street address, if applicable, for the site, facility, or program.
Website for your site – if applicable.
Is the site or archives currently open to the public?
Phone number for the site – if applicable.
Ensure your historical project describes how the site or document(s) or artifacts or oral traditions relates to the Reconstruction Era as defined by the National Park Service and meets the criteria for inclusion in the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network.Provide supplemental materials or sources that would help to verify or support this connection.